下面这张是行礼的图片,仅作参考: http://www.***.cn/comp/IMP/IMP141/Curtseying_woman_in_gown.jpg 屈膝礼的英文名称是Curtsey。
下面是我查到的定义及解释,为引用,引用地址是:http://en.***.com/e/c/cu/curtsey.htm 不好意思我水平有限,自己能看明白却不知道怎么很到位的表达出来><~~ ————————以下为引用—————————— Curtsey A curtsey (also spelled curtsy) is a traditional gesture of greeting, in which a woman bends her knees while bowing her head. Its is the female equivalent of male bowing in Western cultures. In more formal variants of the curtsey, the woman bends the knees outward (rather than straight ahead), often sweeping one foot behind her. She may also use her hands to hold her skirt out from her body. In European cultures it is traditional for women to curtsey in front of royalty. It may then be referred to as a court curtsey and is often especially deep and elaborate. Traditionally, women would curtsey for those of senior social rank just as men would bow. Today this practice has become less common, although in many Western countries it remains customary for girls and young women to curtsey when greeting adults. According to Victorian dance etiquette, a woman curtseys before beginning a dance. Further, some female domestic workers curtsey in front of their employer.参考资料:http://en.***.com/e/c/cu/curtsey.htm。